For English teachers in BavariaAre you looking for innovation in your Classroom?
Teacher Trainings for a variety of subjects
In the Amerikahaus, we are proud to offer new ideas and teaching concepts/theories that will elevate your classroom to the next level, engaging the students and awakening their interest in the US and English. The Amerikahaus Nuremberg works closely with Education Experts to ensure high quality training across a large variety of topics.
Our Teacher Trainings for English Teachers contain many topics, including:
- Politics
- Pop Culture
- Human and Civil Rights
- Immigration
- Film in the Classroom
- ... and much more!
Teacher Training Webinar
Using Film in Class: An Introduction to Film Analysis by Fiona Pleasance
Beginning January 28th until February 25th, 4pm - 5:30pm (5 classes total, every Tuesday)
This Online Film Analysis Seminar is designed to give teachers a strong foundation in film interpretation, making it easier and more engaging to incorporate movies into your lessons.
Ready to bring a fresh spark to your classroom? In this dynamic training, you will explore how directors and filmmakers use film technique to captivate audiences. Beyond the basics, you and instructor Fiona Pleasance, M.A. will delve into the essential tools of cinematic storytelling—mise-en-scène, cinematography, editing, and sound—and reveal how these elements work together to create unforgettable movie moments.
You will participate in a close analysis of curated film clips, gaining insights into the visual language of cinema. Plus, you will receive access to an array of digital resources to bring this knowledge directly into your classroom!
Sign up now to transform your film discussions and inspire your students with the magic of cinema!
The seminar is free of charge. Registration via FIBS: https://fibs.alp.dillingen.de/ (Number: 397134 ).
Fiona Pleasance (B.A. Hons. History, University of Cambridge; M.A. Film Studies,
University of East Anglia) worked in film and video production in Munich and
Nuremberg for almost twenty years.
Since 2009 she has taught at the Hochschule Ansbach and at the TH Nürnberg
Georg-Simon-Ohm as a freelance lecturer. Her subjects include film history, film
analysis, and various aspects of film and video production. She regularly travels to
schools throughout Bavaria and holds seminars for both pupils and teachers
For more information please visit our event calendar.
In Cooperation with the RLFB
Teacher training sessions are offered several times a year in collaboration with the RLFB (Regional Lehrerfortbildung) and the Bavarian State Ministry of Education and Culture. These training sessions consist of a full-day workshop on a specific topic, providing teachers with the opportunity to engage in discussions, share best practices, and learn from experts.
E-Mail Newsletter for Teachers
If you wish to stay informed about upcoming Training Offers, don't hesitate to sign up for our Teacher Newsletter.